Thursday, April 28, 2011

y'all should play metal black, it's pretty good

you ever get that feeling you've slipped out of the world?
or maybe of coming home to the same mess you left behind and finding it unfamiliar?

off distant, double back
causing trouble, that's
all there is to it, ooze through the cracks
true story of alex mack
games of metal black
the new alone amino acid
drifting gene cluster
pulled to fully charge beam buster

earth's destruction and then i was born
absorb the blame but i just got here
weird, okay whatever, eat a dolphin dick
i'm feeding you the means to my own end
(when i'm not busy jizzing lazers, at least)
goddamn beastly, behind we is tapestry of history
don't pay attention, way too busy fixed on me
on killing me, on killing spree, on spreading me
throughout the ether. either i can fight or resign
myself to spilling my life so you'll eat
ah, but who the fuck are you if not the reason
i'm tasked with resurrecting a planet deceased
y'all are some dicks, man.

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