Friday, June 22, 2012


maniac hills wisp, i'm whispered after dinner
an apparition
a spirit adrift
between kids round lit firepits,
inspiring rapid-fire lyric spittle
insipid vitriol mimicked
simplistic rhythm intimated
confidentially by invitation,
these invocations
only for privileged ears
an urban legend
by admission of peers
trading verses over beers
lips zipped, plead fifth
last who leaked, killed.
speaks real, never glimpsed
remembers three fifths
and old jim
still calls crow kinfolk
been broke and stays well-fed
the best dressed ghost
he's nobody still
no papertrail
can't tell if i really exist
or just a figment
breathed into existence
over the beds of sinners
-- spinach.

Friday, December 2, 2011

the loudest sound i ever heard in my life

i saw it - tongue rising and dropping
behind teeh
and a deep breath
eyes rolled, closed
it was my name
uttered voicelessly
the loudest sound
i ever heard
in my life
not in my ears,
but between them
and down my spine
i heard my name
in you
and that electric
rail down my back
fuckin lit up
like a solstice tree.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

wonderful stevie

endlessly living for the city
skimming plenty pennies from citizenry
militant resentment is resented by industry
who send a million shipments of business to charge me interest
flipping invalids the fuck off weekly
shamed out of claiming earthly inheritance, too meek
pictures of future too bleak
oil peaked, fortunate sons killed for speaking
leaking blood from forced coke overdose
suspicious of overcoats
overdiagnosed and comatose
glossy tunnel vision, know the roads by rote
back to white lines that fly by, blame the mobile phones
when the tired eyes rest for maybe five
seconds and a baby dies
union gig double shift split by minimum time
no double or over, bubble over dopamine brine
a goddamn crime, never pays
always timed, never late
superorganism functions just barely that way
scum of the earth are those with no aspiration
no dreams to feed off
but schemes to beat off
wild ambitious people shaven clean off
can't run with dreams they've cut the feet off of

me, i've never been in it to win
i'm in it to live
and so no one will need get in it again
i play to finish
co-op's my speed and creed
sickened by competing
(unless it's street fighter 3
but come on, who'd blame me?)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

resin ate

satisfaction? i'll have none, strictly malcontent
perfectionista, know me, no rest till i get out of this
sitcom of repression where everybody is holding back
rusting out all talent, can barely afford to hone a craft
-- when, in reality, just lost all option not to.
it's not painfully obvious when crumbs are all we got
and crumbs are all we cop, it's sawdust: apply the spark.
preoccupied with stealing food and flintstoning the car
inebriated daily but home is our only opiate.
we overdose and cabin fever stands in for a hangover.
now, don't these walls have legs? outside and still separated
spectators, the world don't want us here, so we're kept away.
feeling powerless, we all create by candlelight
sharing stories in secret while stashed away from satellite
mild mannered dayjobbing losing every piece of our hearts
getting small, shriveled, health failing, family, friends departed

there's too many of us to be shrunk and stuffed away
when we could flip a switch to shine our lights and change our nights to day
when we could live as people who are free to love and free to make
live better than to scrape life from the resin of our yesterdays
who best could say but us what's best for us to follow?
we swallow so much pride our insides must me golden model.
got everybody calling us hollow, selfish and lost
who's busy taking everything from us we haven't got.
grew up so all we've got is our balls and our word
put it to practice: talk better words to live better
that's how it works: call your shots, then sink the pocket
picture it. come and see me when you're ready to start talking.
there's too many of us to be shrunk and stuffed away
when we could flip a switch to shine our lights and change our nights to day
when we could live as people who free to love and free to make
live better than to scrape life from the resin of our yesterdays.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


earth at fingertips
linger over feed
readouts of whole worlds
swirl into cortex
vortex of meanings
gleaned in the mind's eye
find self on the boards
words define us, surf
reality flex
text, hypertext, we
see further than our
mannerisms reach
peach falls from a branch
lands atop head -- you
do, be, whoever
web is where we breathe
speak to our planet
channel everyone