born, chances are, into a roomful of people
certainly out of another person
certainly the product of two people (themselves of two people(themselves of two people(and so on)))
someday to die, chances are, in a roomful of people
certainly buried or otherwise disposed of by other people
certainly to be thought of by other people
how many of us live alone?
me, i can't afford to and i'd probably go nuts if i did.
no to mention i'm constantly surrounded by the works of others
and oh god the internet
did you know dust is mostly flakes of human skin?
i am breathing people right now
nevermind work, the roads during rush hour, the lines at the grocery store,
the security guard who looks at me cross,
every other stressed 20-something (millennials, that's what they call us now)
all freaking the fuck out because we must've done something wrong
for so much to not go according to plan
standing in the same lines
playing the same songs
writing the same poems
whoever it was that convinced us we're ultimately alone
has to be a hell of a salesperson or lawyer or novelist
or else so much wasted talent, goddamn.
it is crowded as fuck, this life of ours
but everyone's so lonely
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