Tuesday, April 26, 2011


raphael says you gotta know what "fuck it" is to understand kick it

get some of that fuck it in your system, quit the system that's fucking you
i mean, if you're not into fucking today. tomorrow, might be different
and that's what's got you worried. well, shit, go find a new lay
this old one's leaving you bruised and it's no fun really
and really if it's no fun, why are you doing it?
guarantee you whatever payoff comes won't match your investment
what they made off you forty years makes a joke of pension
to say nothing of ulcers and hypertension
high blood pressure, repetitive stress injuries
and so on. so fuck it. you only get the one life
don't rush to give it to the first dangling check
see if maybe you're not just worried how they talk about you
and if they do, fuck them, too. they're looking out for your stability
how else will you know where your next humiliation is coming from?
fuck that. throw the towel in, it only looks like apathy,
but it's boxing: quitters never win, and winners get brain damage.

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