Wednesday, May 25, 2011

i poured out a bottle and it sang back

the ghosts of dead friends keep me company
voices ringing deep in long-empty whiskey bottles
telling me about old times, and i just wanna
park the car and curl up next to them
against the curb
and watch the cars go

jeremy's there, and i remember his first day of school
we fought over somebody else's dumb bet
got sent to counseling, and we played chinese checkers
the spitting image of his brother, my friend
they got him, later, after he'd grown up
he fell, against my cousin's car
after i left town for school

christina's there, my first dancing partner
i remember, whenever i spoke to her,
before she spoke back, she'd kind of say my name
but without her voice and i never felt so loved
she was older and she graduated
so i didn't hear about her for years
but it was her boyfriend that took her
in their apartment

i don't know what did it, what got them so loud today
howling out of my empty bottles, almost like they're here
and i just wanna curl up next to them
against the curb
and watch the cars go

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